Singing and Playing
I have always enjoyed singing, going along with my favorite songs on the radio and making up some of my own lyrics to them.
I joined my highschool's choir my junior year, and my vocal quality and range has improved greatly since then. I very much enjoy
belting to songs in the car, or jamming with friends.
- Guitar
- Ukulele

This is a poster for a band that me and some friends made this summer!
I got into audio mixing since my Freshman year of highschool. I joined my school's theater as a member of Sound Crew,
and since then I found a passion in audio production. With my hobby in music, I began trying to create my own music
on my computer, and over time I've gotten better and better, and I love the production aspect of so many songs
that inspire me in my own projects!
I don't tend to stick to a certain genre; I work with what I have and love to find creative ways to make new sounds, or whatever sound I have in my head!

Here is a picture of me producing a song!